. The "Academic Salon on Key Technologies of High Efficiency and Low Energy Consumption Carbon Capture and Recycling" hosted by Professor Song Chunfeng of our group was successfully held
The "Academic Salon on Key Technologies of High Efficiency and Low Energy Consumption Carbon Capture and Recycling" hosted by Professor Song Chunfeng of our group was successfully held

       On September 25, 2022, in order to serve China's dual carbon vision, spread cutting-edge technologies for CO2 emission reduction, promote multi-disciplinary communication and exchange, and serve industry university research cooperation, Professor Song Chunfeng of our group was invited by the editorial department of Clean Coal Technology, and joined forces with the School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Beijing Forestry University, Tokyo University of Japan and the Press and Media Group of the General Academy of Coal Science, Jointly held the "Clean Coal Carbon (III) - Academic Salon on Key Technologies of High Efficiency and Low Energy Consumption Carbon Capture and Recycling". Professor Song Chunfeng served as the convener of the salon and guest editor of the special issue.
       The opening ceremony of the conference was presided over by Professor Xie Qiang, chief editor of Clean Coal Technology, and delivered a welcome speech. Professor Song Chunfeng, guest editor in chief, introduced the planning background and publication of the topic "Key Technologies for Efficient CO2 Capture and Recycling" in the 9th issue of Clean Coal Technology, and announced the launch of the salon as a convener. In the reporting link, Professor Wang Qiang, co editor in chief of the topic, made an important report on the latest research progress of CO2 capture, utilization and storage technology, and systematically summarized the latest research achievements in the field of carbon capture and utilization. Professor Cheng Jun of Zhejiang University/Chongqing University, Professor Jiang Zhongyi of Tianjin University, Professor Fang Mengxiang of Zhejiang University, Professor Wang Lidong of North China Electric Power University, Professor Zhao Yufei of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Professor Wang Zhi of Tianjin University, Researcher Jiang Kejun of Energy Research Institute of China Academy of Macroeconomics, Researcher Zhang Xian of China Agenda 21 Management Center/Climate Change Working Committee of China Association for Sustainable Development, Professor He Liangnian of Nankai University 15 invited guests, including Professor Ma Liang of East China University of Science and Technology/Sichuan University, Professor Dai Zhongde of Sichuan University, Professor Duan Lunbo of Southeast University, Professor Lu Shijian of China University of Mining and Technology, Professor Wu Chunfei of Queen's University of Belfast, UK, and Associate Professor Huang Yun of Chongqing University, focused on "membrane materials for CO2 separation", "microalgae immobilization of CO2", "chemical adsorption of CO2", "photoelectric catalytic conversion of CO2", "CCUS technology and economic evaluation" The latest research achievements were shared on the theme of "CO2 resource development and utilization". During the discussion, the specially invited guests and the audience of each platform had a warm and specific academic discussion on the details of microalgae carbon fixation technology, the products of photocatalysis technology, energy consumption of membrane separation and other issues.

       This academic salon, in the form of cloud conference, was supported by the live broadcast of Kouxiang, ChemPlus, Scientific Research Cloud and other multimedia. It was broadcast synchronously on more than 10 platforms, attracting more than 45000 online viewers, greatly promoting the exchange between peers and scholars in the field of carbon capture and resource recovery.

(Editors: Wang Yunchong)

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